Appendix A-1 Glossary of terms
Appendix A- 2 Summary of quartz finds database. Worked finds = Y; possibly worked or uncertain = ?
Appendix A- 3 Summary quartz finds database. Non-worked finds
Appendix A- 4 Experiment techniques, support, impactors, and raw materials
Appendix A- 5 Input variables
Appendix A- 6 Output variables per experiment
Appendix A- 7 Core attributes
Appendix A- 8 Debitage attributes
Appendix A- 9 Impactors
Appendix A- 10 Weights of blocks/cobbles by material source and technique for Event #1 and #2
Appendix A- 11 Fragment classes – Quartz debitage ≥10mm
Appendix A- 12 Fragment classes grouped – Quartz debitage ≥10mm
Appendix A- 13 Break types: longitudinal/transverse. ‘a’ = no break
Appendix A- 14 Siret proportions. Technique and source
Appendix A- 15 GZLM parameter estimates. Dependent Variable: Siret/non-siret. Model: (Intercept), Technique/Support, Source, Technique/Support * Source. Reference categories: S.H.D. Inelastic and R.Q.
Appendix A- 16 (A) Class fragments ≥10mm by Technique and Support
Appendix A- 17 (P) Class fragments ≥10mm by Technique and Support
Appendix A- 18 GZLM. Dependent Variable: Platform collapse. Model: (Intercept), Technique, Source, Technique * Source. Reference categories: S.H.D. and R.Q.
Appendix A- 19 GZLM. Dependent Variable: Platform collapse. Model: (Intercept), Support. Reference category: Inelastic
Appendix A- 20 GZLM. Excluding siret breaks. Dependent Variable: Platform collapse. Model: (Intercept), Support. Reference category: Inelastic
Appendix A- 21 GZLM. Dependent Variable: Bulb presence. Model: (Intercept), Quartz/chert. Reference category: Chert
Appendix A- 22 GZLM. Dependent Variable: Bulb presence. Model: (Intercept), Technique, Source, Technique * Source. Reference categories: S.H.D. and R.Q.
Appendix A- 23 Means. Complete chert and quartz H.H.D. Elastic flakes
Appendix A- 24 ANOVA. Complete chert and quartz H.H.D. Elastic flakes
Appendix A- 25 Complete quartz ≥10mm flakes by technique and support
Appendix A- 26 Complete quartz ≥10mm flakes by material
Appendix A- 27 UNIANOVA. Complete quartz flakes
Appendix A- 28 UNIANOVA. Quartz flakes with complete platforms
Appendix A- 29 Complete bipolar flakes ≥10mm
Appendix A- 30 ANOVA. Complete quartz bipolar flakes
Appendix A- 31 Complete flakes - curvature
Appendix A- 32 (A) Type platform debitage ≥10mm
Appendix A- 33 (A) Type quartz platform debitage ≥10mm
Appendix A- 34 (P) Type quartz debitage ≥10mm
Appendix A- 35 Direct percussion. Debris/sliver proportions by support and source
Appendix A- 36 Curvature for selected quartz flakes
Appendix A- 37 Cortex proportions for B.Q. flakes
Appendix A- 38 Platform core types for 32 direct percussion events
Appendix A- 39 Mean weight - platform cores
Appendix A- 40 Bipolar cores – fragment groups and sub-type
Appendix A- 41 Complete bipolar cores - mean length, width, thickness, weight
Appendix A- 42 20 selected artefacts for Quiz B
Appendix A- 43 Sheet provided to participants of Quiz B
Appendix A- 44 Incorrect response categories for Piece category
Appendix A- 45 Response rates for core type when correctly identified as a core
Appendix A- 46 Responses for debitage type, including piece category of Indeterminate/natural
Appendix A- 47 Responses for flake sub-type when Type were correct
Appendix A- 48 Quiz A Belderrig
Appendix A- 49 Burnt quartz report
Appendix A- 50 C14 Dates from Belderrig (Warren 2009a pers. comm.)
Appendix A- 51 Céide fields pollen diagram (O'Connell and Molloy 2001, 107)
Appendix A- 52 Mix-up in cleaning BDG TR2 artefacts
Appendix A- 53 BDG vein quartz artefacts: cortex proportions by context
Appendix A- 54 BDG vein quartz core types by context, excluding possible cores
Appendix A- 55 BDG vein quartz flakes: bulb, platform, termination, curvature
Appendix A- 56 BDG vein quartz diagnostic types by context
Appendix A- 57 BDG. Mean Weight, Length, Width, Thickness: retouched, possible retouched, and non-retouched vein quartz artefacts
Appendix A- 58 BDG. GLM. Retouched, possible retouched, and non-retouched vein quartz artefacts
Appendix A- 59 BDG. Post hoc test for GLM. Retouched, possible retouched, and non-retouched vein quartz artefacts
Appendix A- 60 BDG. Mean Weight, Length, Width, Thickness: retouched and non-retouched vein quartz artefacts max. length ≥20mm
Appendix A- 61 BDG. GLM. Retouched, possible retouched, and non-retouched vein quartz artefacts max. length ≥20mm
Appendix A- 62 BDG. Post hoc test for GLM. Retouch/wear mark, possible retouch/wear mark, and non-retouched vein quartz artefacts max. length ≥20mm
Appendix A- 63 BDG. ANOVA. Retouch/wear mark and possible retouch/wear mark grouped and non-retouched vein quartz artefacts max. length ≥20mm
Appendix A- 64 BDG vein quartz flake fragments. Mean weight, length, width, and thickness
Appendix A- 65 BDG. C.203 group vein quartz core types by material
Appendix A- 66 BDG. C.203 group complete vein quartz cores; weight, length, width, thickness by type and material
Appendix A- 67 BDG vein quartz debitage fragments, excluding debris <10mm
Appendix A- 68 BDG and Experiment vein quartz . Mean thickness: C.203 group, C.206, and Experiment direct percussion fragment groups
Appendix A- 69 BDG context. Vein quartz debitage. Longitudinal/transverse break types
Appendix A- 70 BDG vein quartz debitage. C.203 group, C.206, and Experiment siret breaks
Appendix A- 71 BDG and Experiment datasets. GZLM parameter estimates. Dependent Variable: Siret/non-siret. Model: (Intercept), Dataset/technique/support. Reference category: C.203 group
Appendix A- 72 BDG vein quartz debitage. C.203 group, C.206, and Experiment siret breaks – excluding non-proximal fragments
Appendix A- 73 BDG and Experiment datasets. GZLM parameter estimates. Dependent Variable: Siret/non-siret. Model: (Intercept), Dataset/technique/support. Reference category: C.203 group
Appendix A- 74 BDG complete vein quartz multiplatform cores: mean weight, length, width, and thickness
Appendix A- 75 BDG complete vein quartz single platform cores
Appendix A- 76 BDG vein quartz . Means: complete and bipolar core fragments
Appendix A- 77 BDG and Experiment datasets. GZLM parameter estimates. Dependent Variable: Siret/non-siret. Model: (Intercept), Dataset/technique/support. Reference category: C.206
Appendix A- 78 BDG and Experiment datasets. GZLM parameter estimates. Excluding non-proximal flakes. Dependent Variable: Siret/non-siret. Model: (Intercept), Dataset/technique/support. Reference category: C.206
Appendix A- 79 BDG and Experiment datasets. GZLM parameter estimates. Dependent Variable: Siret/non-siret. Model: (Intercept), Dataset/technique/support. Reference category: C.202
Appendix A- 80 BDG and Experiment datasets. GZLM parameter estimates. Excluding non-proximal flakes. Dependent Variable: Siret/non-siret. Model: (Intercept), Dataset/technique/support. Reference category: C.202
Appendix A- 81 BDG vein quartz complete flakes: mean length, width, thickness, and platform width and thickness
Appendix A- 82 BDG vein quartz complete flakes mean ratios: length/width, width/thickness, and length/weight
Appendix A- 83 BDG. ANOVA. C.206 and C.203 group complete vein quartz flakes
Appendix A- 84 BDG. GLM: C202, C.206, and C.203 group complete vein quartz flakes
Appendix A- 85 BDG. Post hoc test for GLM: C202, C.206, and C.203 group complete vein quartz flakes
Appendix A- 86 Thornhill quartz. Context summary by area: artefact, indeterminate, natural
Appendix A- 87 Thornhill cores. Proportions of core type by Area: all and complete
Appendix A- 88 Thornhill bipolar and bipolar-on-platform cores: cortex proportions by context
Appendix A- 89 Thornhill bipolar cores. Means: weight, length, width, thickness, length/weight ratio
Appendix A- 90 GLM. Thornhill complete bipolar cores
Appendix A- 91 GLM. Thornhill complete bipolar cores: cortex
Appendix A- 92 Thornhill platform core types: context
Appendix A- 93 Thornhill platform cores: cortex
Appendix A- 94 Thornhill complete platform cores. Mean weight, length, width, thickness, and length/weight ratio
Appendix A- 95 GLM. Thornhill complete platform cores: core type, context, Area, cortical/non-cortical, quartz source
Appendix A- 96 Mean and median. Belderrig and Thornhill complete platform cores
Appendix A- 97 Thornhill vein quartz. Debitage types and context
Appendix A- 98 Thornhill rock crystal. Debitage types and context
Appendix A- 99 Thornhill vein quartz. Bipolar and platform flakes: complete, fragment, and context proportions
Appendix A- 100 Thornhill vein quartz platform and bipolar flake fragments
Appendix A- 101 Thornhill vein quartz platform flakes. Platform type and preparation, bulb, compression rings, termination, lateral margins, curvature for appropriate flakes
Appendix A- 102 Thornhill vein quartz bipolar flakes. Platform type, bulb, compression rings, termination, lateral margins, curvature for appropriate flakes
Appendix A- 103 Thornhill. Flake breaks: longitudinal/transverse
Appendix A- 104 Thornhill complete flakes. Bipolar and platform
Appendix A- 105 Thornhill diagnostic types. Area and context
Appendix A- 106 Thornhill. Non-retouched and diagnostic flakes ≥1g, mean and median
Appendix A- 107 GLM. Thornhill. Non-retouched, borer, retouched, and scraper flakes ≥1g
Appendix A- 108 Thornhill stake/posthole and linear/slot cut finds. Vein quartz and rock crystal artefacts, possible artefacts and indeterminate pieces
Appendix A- 109 Thornhill stratum finds. Vein quartz and rock crystal artefacts, possible artefacts and indeterminate pieces
Appendix A- 110 Thornhill surface and topsoil finds. Vein quartz and rock crystal artefacts, possible artefacts and indeterminate pieces
Appendix A- 111 Thornhill miscellaneous finds. Vein quartz and rock crystal artefacts, possible artefacts and indeterminate pieces
Appendix A- 112 Thornhill palisade finds. Vein quartz and rock crystal artefacts, possible artefacts and indeterminate pieces
Appendix A- 113 Thornhill structure finds. Vein quartz and rock crystal artefacts, possible artefacts and indeterminate pieces
Appendix A- 114 Thornhill Area 2 pit finds. Vein quartz and rock crystal artefacts, possible artefacts and indeterminate pieces
Appendix A- 115 Thornhill Area 1 pit finds. Vein quartz and rock crystal artefacts, possible artefacts and indeterminate pieces
Appendix B- 1 Cores before knapping. Top left: P.Q. with exterior plane of weakness. Top right: B.Q. Bottom left: M.Q. with interior planes of weakness. Bottom right: R.Q.
Appendix B- 2 E1-32 H.H.D. flake fragments numbered on left and conjoined on right. Siret, uneven, and sequential breaks See text for description
Appendix B- 3 E1-45 H.H.D. siret break flake fragments. Left: lateral left fragment. Right: conjoined fragments. See text for description
Appendix B- 4 E1-12-10 S.H.D. flake fragments. Sequential and uneven breaks. See text for description
Appendix B- 5 Direct percussion platforms and pseudo-platform. Top left: triangular-shaped platform fragment, hard hammer. Top right: Platform, with convex ventral edge and bulb, soft hammer. Bottom left: pseudo-platform with convex ventral edge on distal fragment, soft hammer. Bottom right: Platform with convex ventral edge and edge damage, hard hammer
Appendix B- 6 Direct percussion platforms. Left: Platform with incipient triangular-shaped fracture, hard hammer. Right: platform with sequential break on point of impact; upper image is conjoined flake with fracture line darkened
Appendix B- 7 Bipolar platforms. Left: rounded impact point with remaining platform flat. Centre: platform fragment from siret break. Right: triangular-shaped platform fragment – similar to hard hammer platform E1-29-1
Appendix B- 8 Fragmented platform core E1-24-81. Top left: plan of conjoined core. Bottom left: profile of fragment 81-1. Top right: profile 81-1 and 81-2. Middle right: profile of 81-1 to 81-3. Bottom right: profile of 81-1 to 81-4. (These core fragments were presented to the participants of the quartz recognition experiment; 81-1 was presented in Quiz A and 81-2 to 81-4 were presented to Quiz A and B, see Chapter 7)
Appendix B- 9 Bipolar cores and conical pieces. Top row: conical pieces. Middle and bottom rows: bipolar cores
Appendix B- 10 Recognition experiment bipolar cores
Appendix B- 11 Recognition experiment complete bipolar flakes
Appendix B- 12 Recognition experiment platform core
Appendix B- 13 Recognition experiment platform flakes. Top left: complete flake. Top right: flake fragment. Bottom left: flake fragment. Bottom right: complete flake
Appendix B- 14 BDG platform cores. Top left: complete multiplatform core-on-flake. Top right: fragment single platform core; flake setup on veinlet. Bottom left: complete single platform core; distal impact marks suggesting use on anvil. Bottom right: complete multiplatform core
Appendix B- 15 BDG platform cores. Left: complete dual, opposed core. Right: complete multiplatform core
Appendix B- 16 BDG platform core. Complete multiplatform core
Appendix B- 17 BDG platform core. Complete single platform core
Appendix B- 18 BDG bipolar cores and conical piece. Top left: bipolar core fragment. Top right: conical piece. Middle left: complete bipolar core. Middle right: bipolar core fragment. Bottom left: complete bipolar core. Bottom right: bipolar core fragment
Appendix B- 19 BDG flakes. Large, thick flakes. Left: complete flake; impact point visible on platform. Right: flake fragment; lateral left fragment.
Appendix B- 20 BDG flakes and diagnostic types. Left: retouched flake fragment; abrupt retouch on lateral right edge; proximal missing. Top right: retouched rock crystal flake fragment; convex retouch on lateral right; mesial fragment. Bottom right: flake fragment; mesial fragment with concave curvature
Appendix B- 21 BDG flakes and diagnostic types. Top left: retouched flake fragment; abrupt, convex retouch on distal end; proximal left missing. Top right: flake fragment; distal missing; cortical platform; extensive edge damage on both lateral edges. Bottom left: borer on flake fragment; convex retouch on distal end; proximal left missing. Bottom right: flake fragment; distal missing; impact point visible on platform
Appendix B- 22 BDG flakes and diagnostic types. Top left: butt trimmed flake fragment; distal missing. Top right: retouched flake fragment; rectilinear retouch on lateral left edge; proximal missing. Middle left: retouched flake fragment; rectilinear retouch on lateral right edge; distal missing. Middle right: retouched complete flake; irregular retouch on lateral left edge. Bottom left: retouched flake fragment; irregular retouch on lateral left edge; distal missing. Bottom right: retouched flake fragment; convex retouch on proximal left; distal missing
Appendix B- 23 BDG. Chert flake from C.202 with triangular-shaped quartz inclusion on ventral face (transverse fracture running through the inclusion is post-excavation breakage)
Appendix B- 24 Thornhill cores. Top left: single platform core-on-flake. Top right: dual opposed, right angle core. Middle left: single platform core-on-bipolar; scraper with surmised finger rest created by direct percussion flake. Middle right: bipolar-on-platform core. Bottom left: bipolar core. Bottom right: bipolar core
Appendix B- 25 Thornhill cores. Top left: multiplatform core; retouched. Top right: single platform core; conical shape. Bottom left: Single platform core. Bottom right: dual opposed, right angle core
Appendix B- 26 Thornhill flakes and diagnostic types. #52: scraper on platform flake; retouch on distal, plunging termination. #876: borer on platform flake. #466: platform flake fragment; proximal fragment with prepared platform. #81: complete platform flake. #327: platform flake fragment; siret break. #831: retouched platform flake fragment; distal fragment. #468: bipolar flake fragment with collapsed platform. #214: platform flake fragment; mesial right missing fragment with facetted platform. #333: complete platform flake with prepared platform. #192: platform flake fragment; distal missing fragment with abraded platform. #506: complete bipolar flake. #544 platform flake fragment; distal missing fragment with prepared and collapsed platform