Killian Driscoll completed his BA in Archaeology and History at the National University of Ireland, Galway.
His MLitt in Archaeology at the National University of Ireland, Galway, funded by an NUI, Galway Arts Faculty scholarship, researched the Mesolithic and Neolithic in the west of Ireland.
Killian's PhD in Archaeology at UCD, funded by an IRCHSS fellowship, researched quartz lithic technology through experimental knapping and burning of quartz, and used Mesolithic and Neolithic case study assemblages from Belderrig, Co. Mayo and a Neolithic palisaded enclosure from Thornhill, Co. Londonderry.
From 2011-2013, he held a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Barcelona, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education Fellowship for Foreign Researchers, to investigate the use of flint alternatives (quartz, rhyolite) in the lithic resources of the Magdalenian communities in the Northeastern Iberian Peninsula. This project involved geoarchaeological fieldwork and mapping, experimental knapping of raw materials, and a technological analysis and characterisation of these materials from the Magdelanian assemblage from the open air site at Montlleo.
For his 2013-2015 postdoctoral research, funded by the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program, administered by the Government of Canada, he researching chert provenancing in prehistoric Ireland. This chert provenancing project used a range of prehistoric chert assemblages centred on NW Ireland to examine where the prehistoric communities sourced the raw materials for their flaked stone tools, with the project examining Mesolithic, Neolithic, and Early Bronze Age material, which in Ireland dates to about 8,000–2,000 BC.
His current (2015-2017) postdoctoral project, funded by a Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship, administered by the Irish Research Council, is continuing and expanding upon his previous project on raw material provenancing in prehistoric Ireland.
Killian Driscoll is also the Founder of Artoba Tours which provides unique, bespoke expert-led private tours of the archaeology of Barcelona and Catalonia. As well as designing the tours, Killian leads every tour as the Expeditions Expert. Along with Artoba Tours, Killian is an Expeditions Expert for National Geographic Expeditions where he is leading tours as their archaeology expert.